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Teaching Marine Biology for Kids! [Updated Links]

Writer: Jelly FishJelly Fish

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

Biology is the scientific study of life. Marine biology is the study of ‘life in the sea’ or, if you prefer, ‘the study of marine life’. Marine biology is less about the physical properties of the ocean – such as the dynamics of the waves and the chemical make-up of the water – and more about the life which exists within it. There are ample resources out there for teaching children about ocean animals – from popular storybooks and films to 250-page downloadable fact files for home-school and classroom learning. Would I teach it this way? No, sadly I would not. Well…not entirely anyway!

Don’t get me wrong – I love a good ocean-themed kids' film! No really, I do. But being dull and sciencey, I admit I’d save the ‘all-the-sharks-ever-fact-file’ for a rainy Friday afternoon. Ocean life is split into categories which become increasingly complicated. For workbook 1, I’ve stuck with plants and those which have similarities to plants, animals and habitats.

What’s in this post?

Principles of Marine Biology

In workbook 1 (Marine Science for Kids 5+) I introduce the basic principles of marine biology in the second unit over three smaller sections; Plants and Plant-Like, Ocean Animals and Ocean Habitats. In case you would like to build your own lesson plans I’ll quickly go over the main principles and ideas that would that I’ve used.

The principles of marine biology that this unit covers are; that there is a great diversity of life in the oceans, and there are many kinds of living things ranging from the very smallest to the very largest, with ‘structures and adaptations that help them survive in the ocean. Also, these living things are grouped together by similarities. With regards to habitats, the main messages conveyed are that; there are a range of distinct environments where animals live.

Plants and Plant-Like

The marine biology unit starts with Plants and Plant-like. The ocean literacy principles, which are also referenced in the oceanography unit, touch on the diversity of ocean life in principle 5 grades K-2. Plants and Plant-Like looks at:

  • Seagrass

  • Seaweed

  • Phytoplankton

  • Parts of the plant

  • Energy and Nutrients

Finding resources to teach ocean plants is challenging. There is a lot of confusion about what is a plant (or not a plant) out there. Though I usually recommend videos and try to find links to fun resources in the case of ocean plants I would avoid most of those things due to the amount of confusion out there. If I find anything I’ll add it, but these basic things should cover ocean plants.

Ocean Animals

Ocean animals! Everyone’s favourite bit and often what marine biology lessons are all about. There’s so much out there about ocean animals – I didn’t want to duplicate what had been done already, but to complement the materials which people may already have. So, with that in mind I’ve focused this unit on;

  • Animals adapt to the oceans

  • There are groups of animals

  • Anatomy

If you like to start your lessons with a video then

1. Then Ocean Animals for Kids - Whales, Sea Otter, Orca, Sea Lion + more, introduces a wide range of ocean animals to kids. The video does touch (very briefly) on reproduction at the end, which isn’t covered in workbook 1, but it is not emphasised in any way.

2. Learn Bright’s Ocean animals for kids video is a bit more of a list of animals but it is a really good way of demonstrating the diversity of life which is in the oceans.

For an ocean animals free-printable check out these ‘mini’ animals, six A5 sheets for colouring in.

Ocean Habitats

Ocean habitats will have a lot of overlap with the oceanography unit, which includes ‘features’. I’ve put it beside animals and plants as the interaction between the habitat and their living components is key to understanding ocean ecosystems. Which are introduced in the marine biology unit in workbook 2. The ocean habitats section encourages kids to look up the habitats for different animals and spend time drawing them. This is to help convey the message that there are distinct environments in which animals live throughout the ocean.

If you like to start your lessons with a video then check out

Other Resources

If you’re looking for some more videos then I would recommend Nat Geo Kid’s

I hope this helps!

*** UPDATE: If you don't want to put your own lessons together, a Marine Biology Lesson Pack is now available to purchase from my Etsy shop. It's fully compatible with Workbook 1. If you don't want to purchase the workbook but would like the lessons then there is a booklet and lessons bundle as an alternative. If you'd like to purchase a printable workbook 1 (much better for teaching multiple children) then that is also available through my Etsy shop.

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